Thursday, May 6, 2010

Booking Through Thursday: Half

Booking Through Thursday asks:

So … you’re halfway through a book and you’re hating it. It’s boring. It’s trite. It’s badly written. But … you’ve invested all this time to reading the first half.
What do you do? Read the second half? Just to finish out the story? Find out what happens?
Or, cut your losses and dump the second half?

Honestly, I don't tend to read books I don't like.  I'm very selective about my  books.  I read from recommended and award lists.  Mostly I love every book I read.  I certainly won't get through a half of a book before I decide I don't like it -- I'll just put it down and read something else.  Sometimes I get back to a book after some time and I do enjoy it. 

I'll say, there are two books I tried reading multiple times and never got past the first chapter.  One was The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkein.  The other was Dune by Frank Herbert.  I am a big science fiction and fantasy reader, so I'm sad I didn't get into these books.  It's been over 10 years now; maybe I'm due to give them another try.  


  1. I would definitely say give them another shot, especially after 10 years. :) My answer is at The Crowded Leaf.

  2. I have heard great things about Dune especially from SF fans. Try again.

    My post

  3. I usually muscle through. If a book has gotten a great review and I really can't get into it, I will try it on audio before abandoning it. Feed by M.T. Anderson became one of my favorites after I listened to it. I couldn't find the voice when I was reading.


  4. Brenda, that's so funny -- I tried Feed on audiobook and couldn't get into it (and me this huge MT Anderson fan), so I thought I'd try reading it instead. =)


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